But my friend Angela had signed up for the 10 Miler that is part of the race festivities, and since I needed to get a 10-mile training run in for the upcoming half marathon, I signed up.
The irony? Angela promptly got very sick with a sinus infection, so I ended up running it by myself!
I was a little unsure how I would do, but I thought this race would be a good estimate of how the half would go, and whether I would be able to better my half marathon time from earlier this spring.
After finishing five minutes better than my goal time this morning, I feel confident that I can do better in two weeks!
The race started early and was a point-to-point race, which meant I had to get to the finish line to park the car at Atlantic Station even earlier than expected and walk the mile and a quarter to the start at Piedmont Park -- in the dark. Race organizers handed out glow sticks for us so we'd be even a little more visible.
It was cold this morning, but not freezing, as predicted earlier in the week.
Because the race was part of the marathon, there was really great race support on the course. Cheering stations were about every mile and a half.
I tried to take some photos along the way, but it was hard, since I was pushing myself. I even left four pennies seen along the route right where they lay. You know I was determined if I didn't pick up any found money to feed the pig!!
Neighborhoods competed at the cheer zones for cash prizes to their nonprofits. For example, Briar Vista Elementary School not far from my house was a cheer zone, and if they win best cheer zone they get funds for the school. They dedicated their cheer zone as a zombie zone. Folks were dressed up as zombies and there were funny signs.
Actually, there were funny signs all along the route. A couple of the funniest, to me, were the signs that read "You run better than the government" and the similar "Running better than Congress," a take on the recent 18-day federal government shutdown.
Another funny nearer to the end of the course was one that said "This is not time for Walken" and had a photo of actor Christopher Walken on it.
My only complaint was that the second to last mile was uphill, and I do mean uphill!
But, as you can see, all was forgiven once I got across the finish.
My new hardware
In all, another great race sponsored by the Atlanta Track Club.So what do you know? I do run better than the government!