Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Ten miles of uphill

Oh, Atlanta. The city where once you finish running uphill and turn to go the other way, you are still going uphill.
That's pretty much how I felt for the Atlanta Track Club's 10 Miler on Oct. 26.
I ran the 10 Miler last year, but last year it was part of ATC's fall marathon, which the club discontinued this year. So instead of starting at mile 16 and finishing the course along the marathon route, this year was changed, to start and finish at Atlantic Station.
And I think the course director managed to put every hill in Atlanta long this route! I have called this the seemingly unending uphill race.
I ran this one with my friend Kellie. Here we are pre-race.
Up before daylight
The race route this year was also along part of the Peachtree Road Race 10K's route, and included the worst part of PRR -- Cardiac Hill. Thankfully, we had some great support along that hill.
I was very glad to be finished with the course, and pleasantly surprised to find I finished it two minutes faster. And this was a much more challenging course!

A little dark, but still a finisher
This year's finishers medal was really cool. I thought the Philadelphia half marathon's finisher's medal was going to be my favorite, but this one looks like a sun catcher and looks really cool.
Finisher's medal
Finisher's badge
I felt like this was a hard fought 10 miles, a lot of it uphill.

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