Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Penny for your thoughts

Penny for your thoughts.
My thoughts? Gee, will anyone want to read my musings? I hope so. I hope I have something thoughtful to say.
I hope this blog is enlightening, funny. inspiring, and fun.
This blog will be about running, gardening, pets, reading, cooking, and, cancer.
For many of you my cancer journey is over. For me, it is NEVER over. Wish it were different, but it is not. Cancer. The gift that keeps on taking.
No, after five years, my cancer is not back. But I live with the side effects of all of my cumulative treatment every day. Some days are better than others. A lot of days are better than others. But then, the discomfort of lymphadema and the tightness from radiation and the fatigue of just all that crappy treatment rear their collective ugly heads and I am reminded once again of what I have gone through and survived. So there will be a little whining in this blog for good measure. :)
So, a penny for your thoughts? Why a penny for your thoughts?
Since the beginning of the year, I have been depositing the money (YES, MONEY) I have found while running. My first day out -- Jan. 1 -- I found a quarter! Two days ago I found a penny while running and I realized I really wanted a forum to write about the found money, and other topics.  And so, a blog.
Found money, you ask.
I had read in a running magazine about a guy who collected all of the change he found while running and when I found that quarter I decided I would save my found money for a year and see how much I actually find. I doubt my running will turn into a full-time money-making endeavor, but what the heck. I hope to have at least enough for a coffee or Diet Pepsi at the end of the year!
I'm saving my found money in a cute little piggy bank my friend Marcia -- a "pink" friend (that means she's a breast cancer survivor like me) -- give me when I visited her in Kansas City. It's a darling little pig. She gave the bank to me because she said Kansas City is known for its barbecue and the pig represented that. I love that little pig. I'll post a photo of it.
And so, I become a blogger. Welcome to the daisy chain, where I link together random thoughts among friends.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Great post. I can't wait to see how your found money adds up. That's pretty snazzy for a piggybank. :)
